Janelle Lamb

Pleased to meet you! I’m Janelle Lamb!

Hey beautiful mama…are you so busy that it takes you the entire morning to drink one cup of coffee?  Do you have trouble finding time to exercise?  Do you wonder if those bags around your eyes will ever go away?

I’ve been there (and still experience these things). After having my first daughter, I found myself with less time to take care of my own needs. Exercise was harder to incorporate into my schedule and finding healthy food to eat on the fly was difficult. After I had my second daughter, taking care of myself was even harder.  Everyone seemed to need something from me every minute of the day. I would get both girls ready to head out the door and almost forget my own shoes!  While I loved spending time with my girls, I would get burnt out.  Sometimes, all I wanted was to binge on Netflix or lounge at a coffee shop with a good book.

Since becoming a mom, I’ve gone from teaching fifth graders in a classroom to working with homeschool students and running a skincare business from home. With all of these life changes, I have a lot of new responsibilities. I’m constantly being pulled in a million different directions.  I have to be creative in how I take care of my own needs.  I’ve come to understand that self-care is not selfish. It’s about living a healthy lifestyle so I can better fulfill my purpose.  For us women, self-care is the only way to stay healthy, maintain energy, and keep our sanity so we can live our lives well for ourselves and others.

My purpose: My hope for this page is to show you ways you can easily Janelle Lambincorporate self-care practices into your daily life to bring you energy and peace of mind.  Taking care of yourself does not mean you have to hide in the closet to get “alone time.”  There are practical ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle, even when life keeps you on the go. I hope this page will bring together like-minded women who can encourage one another to live a positive, healthy lifestyle. I want to inspire you to take care of yourself in a season of life that is so easy to sacrifice your own health for the good of others.  I want to help you live with passion, purpose, and faith. I want you to see what is possible in your life and motivate you to go for it, even if it’s out of your comfort zone.  I hope this site will give you new ideas on how to take care of yourself so you can better take care of those around you.  Thanks for being here!

